“But I looked down through spinning air filled with frangipani and rock and roll and saw how quickly you are alone…”

The beauty of a frangipani/plumeria/champa flower is possibly one of the only blooms that equals it’s magnificent fragrance. You would have captured it’s scent before carried by moonlight on warm, moist summer evenings. Have you smelt the franjipani? Sweet, magical, heavenly… intoxicating.

A few possibly unknown facts about this fragrant flower:

In South Eastern Asia, local folk beliefs cite that the franjipani tree provides shelter to ghosts and demons; Its scent is associated with vampires in Malay folklore; In Hindu and Buddhist cultures the flower is used as temple offerings and in Africa, the franjipani is often used as a symbol of love in literature.

“Her hair fell down her back in a wave of sunlight, and her long bare legs repeated the angles of the frangipani stems; bare, shining-brown stems among patterns of pale blossoms.” ~ Doris Lessing

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