
I place a lot of emphasis on ‘home’, ‘comfort’… and ‘belonging’. I suppose because these are all one in the same thing of what, I feel, our search, our quest is. I also tend to refer to ‘life’ as a search, a quest. I also believe that everyone is looking for the same thing, ultimately: We all cry, we smile, we all have hopes, dreams. We all have worries, regrets, we’ve all made mistakes, we all have goals. We all will invariably sit back at the end of the day and, whether we know it or not, feel satisfied with … Continue reading ‘Home’

Trucks passing in the night

So I’d like to talk for a moment about that feeling you get when a small, ordinary, daily happening occurs, and in that moment, the sound, sight, smell, touch of it transports you back to another moment, another time,  another you… Magical isn’t it. One such sound, for me, is the sound of a truck’s horn. As said before, a lot of my memories are faded now. I don’t have a good memory by the usual definition of the phrase. My memories are hazy, misty. But I remember how I felt, so clearly. When I was younger, less jaded, and … Continue reading Trucks passing in the night